
Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019/Guia apuntaires/en

De teixidora


enllaç drecera: SHARINGACTION2019/GUIDE

Practical Guide to take notes at Sharing Cities Action

Note-taking is open and collaborative, anyone with a laptop, cell phone or tablet can participate.

Dimmons-UOC is organising a note-takers team, and this guide is mainly for Dimmons note-takers but anyone can open a pad and contribute to taking notes. This guide can help them too.

Main Goals[ ]

  • Write the name of each speaker if they are not already on the pad
  • Document the session chronologically (apunts del que s'explica)
  • Extract three sentences sumarising "what was said" in the session (Què s'ha dit) < PENDENT confirmar amb l'equip de Dimmons-UOC.
  • Extract projects, organisations, people mentioned and keywords in English and Catalan (Metadades) < PENDENT confirmar amb l'equip de Dimmons-UOC.

Before the session[ ]

  • Bring your laptop, batteries charged up, and bring your charger, for just in case.
  • Make sure you are connected to the Fira's WI-FI or your are somehow connected to the Internet.

During the session[ ]

1. Find the pad of your session on the pads list

2. Take your time to become familiar with the pad's structure

Your main task: take notes chronologically


After the session[ ]

It will be great if you can spend 10 or 15 minutes after each session to polish the pad.

  • 1. Check the pad, check spelling and typographical mistakes.
  • 2. Complete it with missing information:
    • Catalan and English keywords
    • 3 sentences highlighting what was said

Why keywords in English and Catalan?

  • At Teixidora there are notes in different languages (mainly Catalan, Spanish and English) but the platform is Catalan language based
  • A special field for English keywords has been created for events where English is the main language, as it happens today!
  • In the context of Teixidora notes are not isolated, they are automatically linked to content from previous events, for these connections to occur, keywords need to be translated into Catalan.

References[ ]

About the notes[ ]

  • Lst the name of each speaker separated by commas, please don't indicate the organisation where they belong, in this section
  • If you like, you may rewrite the names of the speakers and their organisations within the section "notes"
  • Please write, what the speakers say, chronologically in the section "notes"
  • As you take notes, write down the name of each speaker before they start each intervention, especially in debates
  • For the interventions of members of the public, write down "intervention 1", "intervention 2" ... don't worry about identifying each person's name, although if you happen to know it or it is mentioned, you can write it down. You can also mention the organisation or project the member of the public belongs to, indicating it as follows: "Intervention 1 (SomMobilitat)" or "Intervention 1 (member of an agro-ecological project)".

About metadata[ ]

  • List the name of each organisation separated by commas
  • List the name of each project separated by commas. Please, don't describe the projects in the "projects mentioned" section, if necessary do it in the notes section.
  • List the name and surnames of people mentioned (authors, activists, etc.) separated by commas
  • List the keywords separated by commas. The intention of the keywords is to collect the topics covered in the session as well as key concepts introduced by participants. Write the keywords in English first and translate them into Catalan (or ask someone to help you to do so, and you may learn something or meet someone nice while you are at it!).
  • List "what was said" with bullet points, one sentence per line. If the sentence clearly belongs to one of the speakers, please indicate their name in parentheses at the end of the sentence.
Teixidora Rĕzboiul saŭ stativele 1898 COLOR.svg

Note-takers tricks[ ]

Marks[ ]

When there is one single note-taker and speakers speak quickly, use marks on the text, as follows:

# Keyword
#& organisation mentioned
#p project mentioned
@ person mentioned

Write these signs in front of each word within the text to help you identify them later.

IMPORTANT: Remove the marks later for the text to be clean.

An example:

Amb una mica la humilitat urbana, ens hem de rebaixar. Som gent de barris que el nostre àmbit mental ha sigut la ciutat i hem crescut amb un pensament d'autoficiència urbana i hem de pensar aquesta #relació camp-ciutat. Pensar aquesta oportunitat d'una economia solidària entre el camp i la ciutat. Des dels anys 30 ja s'intentava fer aquesta relació. Es pensava un altre tipus de relació. La #ciutat contemporània ha estat una #acumulació de capital, treball, de tecnologia i acumulació colossal de la riquesa. Ara estem gestionant perquè #& Mensakas ens porti certs productes a la ciutat, però no tenen càmeres refrigerades per portar la meva carn. Si fem #p l'obrador a Tremp pot ser plantejable. Si vols fer un # obrador cooperatiu necessites gent, un lloc.