SHARINGACTION2019 New deal for the future of Data Commons: Data Commons Manifesto 2019/11/19
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Quan: 19-novembre-2019 · Hora: 10:15 - 11:30· On: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, Dimmons-UOC
Hashtag:#SharingCitiesAction19_Xarxes socials: @sharingaction
El Sharing Cities Action Encounter és un programa de 3 dies per explorar models alternatius de futur en tres eixos: treball de plataforma, gènere i inclusió i dades procomunes. La trobada té lloc en el context del Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) a la Fira de Barcelona. Aquesta és una de les sessions que formen part del programa.
“… From 19 to 21 November, the Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019’s three-day programme will work to come up with alternative models for the future, focusing on three main topics: Platform Labour, Inclusion
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New deal for the future of Data Commons: Data Commons Manifesto
Sharing Cities Action Encounter Barcelona - 19-21 November 2019
Collaborative notes at, documentation to share and reuse.
(List of speakers separated by commas)
Speakers affiliation
Antonio Calleja (Tecnopolitica/UOC IN3)
Nicole Alix (La Coop des Communs)
Martina Mayrhofer (
Griselda Casadella (Ethicas Foundation)
Martin Howitt (The Data Place)
Liliana Arroyo (Institute for Social Innovation, ESADE)
Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts (Forum Virium Helsinki, My Data Global)
(Conference notes in chronological order)
Conference notes
Antonio Calleja: Cities should have more control over their data and how their data is handled because the massive extraction of data may give the opportunity to actors to influence political processes, For people to have more control over their data decode developed an app and a dash board, decode technology was combined. The manifesto: 6 month process, 8 meeting more than 300 participants thorugh the decidim software. Beyond the technological aspect the objective was to articulate a network for data commons: Barcelona Data Commons.
The manifesto was developed using Decidim (platform for digital participatory). 200 have participated in the DDDC pilot which has the manifesto as a result. The process lenght for six months, with face-face meetings and online participation.
Nicole Alix (La Coop des Communs)
Association to connect social and solidarity economy and the commons.
How can we make cities wiser?
Nicole - creating a learning community of fair and cooperative platform, learning community of platform who try to work on the devices needs, legal questions, data, business models, with the goal of having more partnership with the city which have their own challenges because the state is not fair enough to support the initiatives of the city. So we are building partnerships between cooperative platforms and people networks. We cant find solutions without alliances between cities who want to go further even though the states or the EU do not want them to be fair as they want.
Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts - In Finland the city plays a lot of role in terms of everyday services. The answer lays in both: 1) empowerment: how do we make sure that the citizens are enough aware and able to make choices? and 2) the ecosystem: is not only the puclis service but also the business sectors that are to work together, this is what we need to build
Liliana Arroyo: the administrations could promote the application of the already existing platforms. There s a need to difference between data collector and data provide (which now is not that clear)
Martin - Challenges for local governments to stop larger players and actors from taking over the city data, we have to be really careful about this. The capitalist systems is drawing us but this is also happening in other non capitalist systems
Antonio Calleja - Instrumentedness; interconnectcednedd, Intelligence. Limitations of knowledge: how can we actually rely on data for the day to day aspects of our life? Also, data is knowledge? Also, what kind of society do we want? What is a good life? This is why we need to open decision making to voice citizens perspectives
Martina Mayrhofer - It is also important WHAT data is collected about a specific community, WHO is collecting and HOW is using it. Pay attention to the ethical limitation about data collection especially in vulnerable communities..Fostering knowledge in the community on how we should be enabled to have control over our data.
How we can convince administrators to promote a data commons oriented society?
Nicole - We should not stand alone. We really have to build an ecosystem between us, and find the means to stay together to put the pressure, we are to build an ecosystem to be together. The question is: how we can build our own network in order to put the pressure, to help each other and then to go to institutions to help cities to build their own sharing network? We should not stop to talk to each others.
Antonio - We begin with data sovereignity and then going beyond, building on all the existing regulations. Especially thinking in terms of community building, licenses (CC licenses), building the technology (building upon decidim). A combination on what is already there but also building organization more common oriented. You share your own data, in a more secured manner while sharing very specific data in order to push forwards your agenda
What does open data for deman means? And what kind of role should organizations play in promoting this kind of initiatives?
Martin - There is no intermediary between data provider (the citizens) and the data who handle it. IN the UK there is a hige education learning now, we don't know whether people knows or just care enough about data commons
Liliana - Beyond the technical aspect or portability thing we here in catalunya we have a trust problem: we dont believe in data administration managment, in local administrartions, be it open or wathever.
Martina - Working with NGOs there is a huge mistrust with public administrations, when you use for example public data from national statistic institute there are always questions about methodology, reliability, representativity etc... Thos NGOs who collect their own data when are siggested to work together with other NGOs who are doing the same there you find the same mistrust, so it is a matter of trust.
Which paper can civil society play to increase trust in data commons?
Nicole- Maybe we should be more concrete.We have been working with data commons for the last two years. We should be able to share what we are doing. We should join our forces, in order to understand what we are all doing. Try to build a project, not only with researchers but with the community, with thte practitioners. Why dont we share all our tools all togherher? Why dont we look for means to build partnership to push pressure? Try to find other ways to work together, researchers and pratictioners, we need time.
Hanna - it's important to have all the ecosystem around involved and active
Martin Howitt - some areas are lagging behind and we need to make sure that we are on the same line, struggling to keep up with those who are lagging behind.
What kind of actors do we want in the data commons network?
Liliana - data commons for what? And partnership for what? What are we going top do together? We need to think in terms of concrete challenges that we want to deal and then build the partnership. Challenge-based innovation. Partnership otherwise would lose its meaning. Partnership should be a means to an end. What else are we aspiring?
Nicole - Why dont we put together, why dont we share our charts, manifestos that we have built, in order to understand what we are looking and aiming at? It is easier to start from what we have already done. We need to share what we have already written on data commons.
Hannas- we can use data for behavior change, to know how the systemic changes can be reached, and it can also be a business opportunity, and this means that everybody wins.
Martina - sharing strategies about awareness raising. In schools, working for teachers. Is there something in the awareness level that we can learn?
Martin Howitt - What are the basic skills that people need to make their decisions?
Nicole - we should also share the difficulties. We should discuss about the question., We don't have any right or good solution. We are to negotiate collectively about data. And this is a global negotiation, like we were negotiating salaries collectively in the past. It's not an individual concerns how data are handled, rather it is a collective issue.
we are at the same point of labur at the beginning of the century now with data
Antionio - wath the idea of data commons shows is that there are surely many actors but who is the key decision makers?
we don't think that technologies can fix everything - it's about movement and people. and a rebalancing is needed.
Data cant be owned, If you believe on the aspect of ownerhip you re going the wrong way. Also, there are no efficient ways to compensate for data with money. Therefore money and ownerhip are not the issues. thats why the economy need to change, and this is what data commons could do, to change the structre, beyond concepts of money and ownership.
If we are chaning the economy we are chanign how power is distributed. With data we have a change of chaning the economy to a more collaborative economic system, beyond the competitive model that structure our economoy.
Liliana - probably we need some new inteermediaires, these models for fiduciaries use of data. The estonina government has pushed forward a layer for interoperability: if you ve provided info for the government once, then you dont have to fill it anymore, and data is stored in a decentralized way. As this is a governmental decision and is kind of compulsory, they are using a lot of transparency to promote public awareness
Hanna - its not about ownership its about rights on what and how to do with your data, and this is about technical issues and portability which needs to be addressed.
Nicole - we don't know how our data are used by those commercial entities that partner with the city council. So we should put forward the right on how our data is used not only by public administrations but also private companies.
The data commons are becoming capitalist commons, because data are being bought by capitalist companies.
Ricard - how data commons can be adopted by solidar and circular economic platforms? The core of cooperatives is their goveernance, and from there it is easier to introduce the data commons vision.
the crisis is human, it is relational and this is the basis. From there we should start. The issue/crisis is human relational.
Should we deine it as data capialism? Or should we broaden the term? To include maybe other institutional structures that exploit data
local control, multiscale cooperation, bottom-up and comunities, local and decentralized control but coordinated at a higher scale still bottm up and not top down
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Paraules clau: democràcia digital, democràcia de dades, dades procomunes, ètica de dades, cooperativisme de plataforma, llicències Creative Commons, xarxes populars, empoderament
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Paraules clau en anglès: digital democracy, datacracy, data commons, data ethics, cooperative platform, creative commons licenses, people networks, empowerment
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Intervinents: Antonio Calleja, Nicole Alix, Martina Mayrhofer, Griselda Casadella, Martin Howitt, Liliana Arroyo, Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts, Melissa Renau
Persones mencionades:
Projectes mencionats: Decode, Decidim, La Coop des Communs, The Data Place, Raval data commons, Data control board, Institute for Social Innovation, ESADE,, Data Commons Manifesto, Barcelona Data Commons
(List of organisations mentioned keywords separated by commas)Organitzacions mencionades: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institute for Social Innovation ESADE, My Data Global, Forum Virium Helsinki, Tecnopolitica IN3-UOC, La Coop des Communs, Colectic, Ethicas Foundation, The Data Place
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Coses significatives que s'han dit.
- Beyond technical devices and portability there is public awareness and citizens trust, challenged by public distrust in public institutions,
- We should not stand alone. We have to build an ecosystem and find the means to stay together to put the pressure. The question is how we can build our own network in order to put the pressure, to help each other and then to go to the institutions to help cities build their own sharing network?,
- Empowerment: how do we make sure that citizens are aware enough and able to make choices?,
- The ecosystem is not only the public service but also the business sectors that are to work together.
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Localització: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
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