
SHARINGACTION2019 Sustainable Future for all 2019/11/20

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Esdeveniment ¬ sessió • Forma part de: Sharing Cities Action_Encounter 2019 • Stand Open Forum ■

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SHARINGACTION2019 Sustainable Future for all

Quan: 20-novembre-2019 · Hora: 12:00 - 13:00· On: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, Dimmons-UOC

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El Sharing Cities Action Encounter és un programa de 3 dies per explorar models alternatius de futur en tres eixos: treball de plataforma, gènere i inclusió i dades procomunes. La trobada té lloc en el context del Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) a la Fira de Barcelona. Aquesta és una de les sessions que formen part del programa.

“… From 19 to 21 November, the Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019’s three-day programme will work to come up with alternative models for the future, focusing on three main topics: Platform Labour, Inclusion

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Documentació d'aquesta sessió

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Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg Apunts i cròniques

Apunts presos a l'esdeveniment, cròniques, ressenyes i documents de conclusions.


Apunts copiats al wiki:

Sustainable Future for all.

Sharing Cities Action Encounter Barcelona - 19-21 November 2019

Collaborative notes at, documentation to share and reuse.

Conference notes

Alessia - (prosume) Thinking of citizens as prosumers of energy (producers and consumers) allows to put them at the centre of the decision making process of energetic system, disrupting the supply and sale of energy in creating an emergent electrical grid where the means of energy production and control system are less centralized. Energy sovereignity is one of the paths to social empowerment.

Carmen (food coop) - food coop bcn born out of a NY supermakt initiative working with PA to develop a model and find a place to open the supermarket contributing to ecological transition which is not only ecological food but also sustainable on a social level, not only environmental dimension but particularly social. aimed at changin the agrocultural system thorugh agricultural cooperativism. Finding an easy way for everyone to consume responisbly is needed. Consumers are also owners and workers (3 hour per month), this way the food system move from consumption

Leandro - (Ereuse) We have many computers which are out of use but still usable, and we re working over the idea of reusing. Developed a tool to make more efficient the process of reuisng data and a tracking system to track the life cycle of the electornic device. Aim: make electronic device to have the longest life possible, collaborating with local NGos and PAs.

Tom - Extinction Rebellion as example of decentralised organization, self-organising. They manage to connect to a "central" point of coordination. The global objective are basically around 3 demands: (1) tell the truth about planet emergency (diversity falling, seas risign, fires, flooding, scarer resources, insecurity, etc); (2) reduce hose gas emissions for 2030, not net 0 but net negative should be the goal (extemely difficult to achieve); (3) organise local assmblies and increase democracy at that level.

Sustainability is being overused, even by neoliberal infrasttructure which is challenging its original menaning..What does it mean?

Leandro - Sustainability has many facets. It is a wonderful word but we're far from it.

Sustainability is about asking ourselves what is my responsibility here? is about bringing back the city to the citizens. And thinking in a proactive manner.

The key thing is a change of relationship, is people working together on the basis of trust.

Sustainability is ofter correlated with development. There is no economic growth that can be sustainable. Thats the point. We can find little ways to diminsh, but if we do not astop grow and overproduction, and think of a huge structural change we're just speaking nice world. Our little efforts might help and contribute to change the structure and rethink of consumption and production.

Sustainability makes everything a lot more comfrortable, to just keep going and be a little more conscious. But it is not enough. We need a big structural change. We've relied on the states and businesses to make this change but we missed out communities.

Collaboration with people is the basis.Involving people in the running of the business we can change their minds. If you don't work from the basis you're not leading to change.

CSo and businesses are using the same word 'sustainability' but it is time to come together and start this fight us vs. them debate.

>How do you promote collaboration in your day to day practice with your team and with other organizations?

We have to make sure that we have good collaboration with governmnents and citizens to increase awareness and reach the threshold of the critical mass to really make a change.

All collaborative efforts need to come together, that's the next step. Because in temrs of individual or small scale efforts there's a lot. But the power comes from working together.

Something that has always been a private asset should be a common, like energy. And this paradigm shift is what creates communities. Yet the reliance on much is that inclusive rather than exclusive? Are we actually creating communities? How many have access to these technological platforms? Our work should be at two levle: of course technology facilitate these process, but we should not forget the communities, especially those who do not have access to technology.

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Fotografia: Jae 2009 CC-by-sa 2.0 Wikimedia Commons. Cusco, Perú
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Fotografia: Jae 2009 CC-by-sa 2.0 Wikimedia Commons. Cusco, Perú
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Metadata - The Noun Project.svg Metadades

Informació estructurada de l'esdeveniment que permet connectar-lo amb altres continguts a Teixidora.

Paraules clau: sostenibilitat, sobirania, confiança, desenvolupament, creixement, rebel·lió o extinció

Mostra paraules clau en altres llengües · anglès ·

Intervinents: Elena Rodríguez, Tom Johnson, Gary Alexander, Alessia Borge, Leandro Navarro, Laura Bosch, Sara Moreira

Elena Rodríguez
"Sara Moreira Elena Rodríguez" no es pot fer servir com a nom de pàgina en aquest wiki.
, Tom Johnson, Gary Alexander, Alessia Borge, Leandro Navarro, Laura Bosch

Persones mencionades:

Projectes mencionats: Autehenticitys, PlaNET coop, Ereuse

Organitzacions mencionades: Food Coop BCN, Prosume SRL, Rebel·lió  o Extinció Barcelona, Extinction Rebellion

Llibres i publicacions citades:

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Diagnòstic i/o avaluació que s'ha fet a l'esdeveniment.

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Oportunitats / fortaleses


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Si creus que d'aquesta sessió se'n poden extreure alguns d'aquests resultats edita la pàgina i posa-ho a les caselles previstes a la secció "resultats".

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Mapa d'ubicació


Localització: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

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