
SHARINGACTION2019 SmartGlacis: Security and privacy technologies for smart cities 2019/11/19

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Esdeveniment ¬ sessió • Forma part de: Sharing Cities Action_Encounter 2019 • Stand Open Forum ■

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SHARINGACTION2019 SmartGlacis: Security and privacy technologies for smart cities

Quan: 19-novembre-2019 · Hora: 9:30 - 10:00· On: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, Dimmons-UOC

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El Sharing Cities Action Encounter és un programa de 3 dies per explorar models alternatius de futur en tres eixos: treball de plataforma, gènere i inclusió i dades procomunes. La trobada té lloc en el context del Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) a la Fira de Barcelona. Aquesta és una de les sessions que formen part del programa.

“… From 19 to 21 November, the Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019’s three-day programme will work to come up with alternative models for the future, focusing on three main topics: Platform Labour, Inclusion

Steel Fire.svg

Documentació d'aquesta sessió

· Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg apunts ·Android Emoji 1f3ac.svg vídeo ·

Steel Fire.svg

Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg Apunts i cròniques

Apunts presos a l'esdeveniment, cròniques, ressenyes i documents de conclusions.


Apunts copiats al wiki:

SmartGlacis: Security and privacy technologies for smart cities

Sharing Cities Action Encounter Barcelona - 19-21 November 2019

Collaborative notes at, documentation to share and reuse.

Conference notes

Helena Rifà is member of Kison research group (K-riptography and Information Security for Open Networks) at IN3 UOC)

Data could provide us with smartness but is undermined by surveillance. SmartGlacis designs solutions to facilitate fair use of citizens data in green mobility: the challenge is extreme control to veichule mobility and threatens to individual privacy. The idea: incentives for individual drivers. In e-Commerce: control over credit card payments. The opportunity: research in electronic tickets, anonymity controls that make shopping more secure. In citizen participation - edemocracy, user generated content, and areas of city alerts and emergencies. Better pooling system for people to vote from home (from laptop or mobile phone), the general scheme is similar to toher electronic polls but the votes after voting are mixed (so that they cannot be tracked). Also, developed a system in a way that content provided by citizens is secured:only the original sellers of the content can sell it, and not second or third parties, P2P network using a specific code that is monitored by a third party authority that controls its distribution and dissemination.Franewirj for privacy-aware content distribution. In emergency reporting, for incidence to be easier to be reported: emergency reporting system that provides privacy to honest witnesses but punish fake witness, based on anonimity netrwork based on his/her social network, if the incidence he or she reported is verified than he/she gets a reward (user bitcoin), also through the user  network it is possible to find out the fake witness. the idea: incentivize the participation of honest witnesses. In the smart city with all the data we have we are faced with some huge challenges. How can we solve it? Security Information and Event Managmente, algorythm that looks for anomalies and when the system sees outliers an alert pops up. The joint process of the data provides us with information, cross-analysing data from different databases and finding out problems in data systems. Security, privacy in the smart city is a big issues: big data p

rovides us with lot of information but also lot of challenges, so we must tackle the threats of big data with the integration of data in a centralized platforms that allows a global analysis of anomalies and attacks

Steel Fire.svg

Android Emoji 1f3ac.svg Vídeo

Enregistrament audiovisual de l'esdeveniment o continguts audiovisuals relacionats.

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Col·labora completant o afegint la documentació que falta.

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Hi ha: > Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg apunts o cròniques > Android Emoji 1f3ac.svg vídeo

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  • Android Emoji 1f4e2.svg Àudio

Fotografia: Jae 2009 CC-by-sa 2.0 Wikimedia Commons. Cusco, Perú
Steel Fire.svg

Teixim connexions

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Fotografia: Jae 2009 CC-by-sa 2.0 Wikimedia Commons. Cusco, Perú
Steel Fire.svg

Metadata - The Noun Project.svg Metadades

Informació estructurada de l'esdeveniment que permet connectar-lo amb altres continguts a Teixidora.

Paraules clau: Smart Cities, seguretat, privacitat, Big Data, xarxa P2P, seguiment, comerç electrònic

Mostra paraules clau en altres llengües · anglès ·

Intervinents: Helena Rifà Pous

Persones mencionades:

Projectes mencionats: Bitcoin, SmartGlacis

Organitzacions mencionades: IN3 UOC, Grup de recerca KISON IN3-UOC

Llibres i publicacions citades:

Steel Fire.svg

Aufgabe-ankreuzen.svg Diagnòstic

Diagnòstic i/o avaluació que s'ha fet a l'esdeveniment.

Riscos / debilitats / mancances

Oportunitats / fortaleses


S'hi ha dit

Coses significatives que s'han dit.

  • A global analysis of anomalies and attacks is not possible without the integration of data in a centralised platform that allows a global analysis of anomalies and attack

el taller Noun 21753 cc.svg

Col·labora estructurant els resultats a partir de la documentació existent

Teixidora Rĕzboiul saŭ stativele 1898 PD.svg

A més dels resultats mostrats en aquesta pàgina, Teixidora permet mostrar de forma estructurada els següents resultats:

  • Alternatives

Si creus que d'aquesta sessió se'n poden extreure alguns d'aquests resultats edita la pàgina i posa-ho a les caselles previstes a la secció "resultats".

Hakka migration map (c).svg

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Steel Fire.svg

Mapa d'ubicació


Localització: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

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