SHARINGACTION2019 Open Innovation for the cities 2019/11/20/apunts/01
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Open Innovation for the cities
Sharing Cities Action Encounter Barcelona - 19-21 November 2019
Collaborative notes at, documentation to share and reuse.
Ignasi Fontalans, Rescue
David Leal García (Smart Citizen),
Patricia González (Sensitive Cities).
Vineeta Shetty
Conference notes
Patricia Gonzalez- interviews of innovation directors of USA municipalities about challenges and failures in the innovation process. Monday Lab, innovation lab for cities (MondayBarcelona): a laboratory that aims at social impact. Including technology and science challenging gender stereotypes.
City journalism process by the elderlies for the elderlies.
sensitive cities academy, a school to help everybody to discover their personal balance to improve their local community throughout different programs: discovery of talent program, menotrizing program: to create one's own social project, and then prototyping. This allow participants to connect with themselves, and then shape their project.
Cities often think that open innovation means opening up the decision making process at a certan point and that they will be automatically interested and they will automatically agree. All entities has to open spaces and programs to foster relationship between people and actors across time. First we need to create the community and then create the technology and then talk to experts real experts in the field. W ahve to think different.
Ignasi Fontalans - RESCCUE EU project that address resilience in climate change. When you do co-creation you need to engage all actors of the quadriple helix. Businesses and companies have their own interests which sometime might be at odds with public administration interests, and the project is about creating a model for finding a common interest. You need a business model in projects. The project is about creating awareness about technical knowledge regarding urban resilience.
It is difficult for cities to deal with climate innovation strategies with the actual legal framework
David Leal - how can we create tool to catalyze urban transitions?in both cities and corporatoins. Before reinventing the wheel the point is to look at what's there already. We need to bring different stakeholders together to decide and act in the name of urban transition. Nesta's big green challenge context launched 1 million prize to encourage support community-led responses to climate change in terms of reduced carbon emission.
Klimathos in valencia sevilla bergen and madrid to design climate solutions. If we want to include the citizens in the conversation we need to create a way in which knowledge is shared and created horizontally
Lisbon climate participatory budgeting: a green participatory budget awarded 5 million
Paris right was given to citizens to plant huertos in thei roof
Simulacion experimental de presupuestos climaticos participativos en decidim.
A systemic approach is needed.
Decisions taken with an unilateral approach will lead to a backlash, what is needed is to include in the conversation those who are affected by climate change.