SHARINGACTION2019 Cities Encounter 2: City Sovereignty and Access to Data 2019/11/20
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Quan: 20-novembre-2019 · Hora: 14:15 - 16:30· On: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, Dimmons-UOC
Hashtag:#SharingCitiesAction19_Xarxes socials: @sharingaction
El Sharing Cities Action Encounter és un programa de 3 dies per explorar models alternatius de futur en tres eixos: treball de plataforma, gènere i inclusió i dades procomunes. La trobada té lloc en el context del Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) a la Fira de Barcelona. Aquesta és una de les sessions que formen part del programa.
“… From 19 to 21 November, the Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019’s three-day programme will work to come up with alternative models for the future, focusing on three main topics: Platform Labour, Inclusion
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Cities Encounter 2: City Sovereignty & Access to Data
Sharing Cities Action Encounter Barcelona - 19-21 November 2019
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Conference notes
14:30 - 14:40 Welcome to City Sovereignty & Access to Data
Álvaro Porro and Eva Mur (Barcelona City Council)
Mayo Fuster (Dimmons IN3 UOC)
Alvaro - goal oriented conversation to try to make step forwards for something useful for all cities beyond sharing best practices. Albert will share the experience of amsterdam city council about short term rentals and lobbying big infrastrctures. Hypothesis: we ve been having difficult times with platforms (airbnb etc) and we need a framewrk of regulation at local national and internat level to defense our sovereignty. It is easier to make reguation that to enforce them.How do we enforce them? Especially difficult in digital times. We need to influence the legal framework (and all cities voices together are needed) at EU level bbut we will still be faced with the enforcement. how to make our local laws to be respected? We will need tools to enforce the legal framework, that possibly we will need to negiotiate with platforms. We need regulations to enforce the regulations. In BCN it s been 2 years negotiating with airbnb, finally endded up wiht an agreement but we re still missing things to enforce these regulations. If we do this negotiation together while influencing this lobby we can have more changes of having a good result: more access to data, more active pressure to have platforms follow the law. Basic standards ar needed to be agreed altoghether to put pressure and gain power in thte negotiation with platforms.
15:10 - 15:40 Cities lobbying European institutions on Data & Short Term Rental
Albert Eefting (Amsterdam City Council, coordinator of european network of vacation housing)
be independent of data from platforms, today our city audit officer presented an investigation about enforcement: is it effective? The head of the audit officer was positive but what was its main conclusion: you should not be independt of data fro,m platform, especially aout taxes. The mmoent airbnb stop his collaboration with city council (stopping to pay tourist tax) then you have a big financila gap. If you have an agreement or enforcement make the collaboration btw city council and platforms not a volunteerism but an obligation. Not shifting the responsbility to the platforms (or citizens) on a cooperative/volunteer basis but rather make it a rule.
Learn from each other's methods on collecting data. Next week meeting in brussl: data analysts will share their methods, what we need to effectively enforce laws? what data do we need? And then eventually: which laws should be changed to get the correct data w/o loosing our privacy. We talk a lot about data but we forget about privacy that we as democratic institution have the right to protect (i.e. GDPR). We should not want to do is get these data and just put them in the database: we only want the data which are strictly necessary and only from the people who are doing wrong. Privacy is important.
Also important: a joint approach will be a difficult one, cause we're different cities, and many cities are not joining are not seeing tourism as a problem cause they really need tourism.
14:40 - 15:10 Presentation of Study on “Data Policies & Strategies, with a focus on Short Term Rental Platforms”
Murray Cox (Inside Airbnb, collaborator of Dimmons IN3 UOC)
inside airbnb has been providing airbnb data and many cities are using it : NY, AMST, BCN for policy creation and also for enforcement. Last year a conversation started to talk abnout possible studies that we could do it started this year to look at joint cities strategies to data access. What data are using cities? what are the successes or challenges to the negotiation?
What the policy obj of these cities: most important housing affordability and availability, and taxes. Key regulaiton devices: restrictions on primary residence, mandatory registrations: limits on the number of permits, platforms must only advertise permitted listings (san Francisco), yearly caps on a home can be uused, collection and remit of taxes: most cities can rely in platforms to colelct tourist taxes. Barriers to ensure compliance: no data and lack of addresses.
Wide variety of data which could help to understand tourism data: name of the owner, addresses...Data to enfroce regulation: addresses, permit numbers...How is cities collecting dfata: scraping technologies, vienn ais collaborating with other german speaking cities; the short term rental platforms themselves provide some data but is aggregate and anonymous but not very useful, some universities provide data but small samples.
s francisco: get data from the platform, montlhy listing and num of permits, they do the privacy, they give data from platform mof taxes
France: record of active and transacted listings (registration numbers); address and number of days rented. These are key trhough which the rule of law in france can be successful. Cities very interested of data and reports: this shows the demand for the potential provision of data of maybe a core/technical team within cities.
using short term rental data for policy formation and political and public awareness to create political capital; proving the regulation is also in the common interest; compliance and enforcement. Public STR data is available: via scaping and collaboration opportunities. In the US there are successful model like san francisco or santa monica that are getting data form the platform. Most negotiations in the ciites over data were unsuccessful. IN bcn: regulation that platforms cannot display unpermitted listings, and the negotiation and agreement was about around acitons in isolation Negotiations were successful only when regulations where there.
In amsterdam: in amsterdam it is not always that there is a regulation in place that the demands are being met. in amsterdam they did agree with enforcement on when we close the legal property and take down the address of the platform for two years, and there was not regultaion. It is not always that you need regulations for negotiations. platforms meet demands when there is no regulations in place.
Murrary: cities prefer regulations to negotiations.
sometimes there is no regulation yet so then you have to do something and then you fill the gap with negotiations. (Amsterdam)
Matteo_ we approved a regulation about touristic taxes, it was an obligation to colelct data from the platform but with airbnb after the regulation ended up with an agreement and airbnb gave us the taxes, this did not happen with booking because they re not respecting our regulation: the regulation is important but it is also important the agreement. Yet, in case of taxes this is easy.
Eva Mur (Barcelona City Council) - in 2015 spetember started to send 20 letters to 20 webs advertising tha they are to put their license num in their ads and that they have to share their data about addresses. all but airnbn and homeaway are not sharing data about addresses and theyr were fined with 30000 euros, we sent another letter and homeaway retired their adds but airbnb did not and was fined with 600000, and tnow it is in a judicial process wiht the city coucil. Publicity that the city coucil did: all these platforms are good because complied with the law, airbnb started to be interested and the city council said no. And then airbnb started to be willing to show its good faith and took down a numebr of ads. Then eventually agreement with airbnb: every 2 month they are sent a listing with non officila ads, and they have to take tehm down within 5 days. Every month airbnb pass bcn a list of the addresses: name of the owner, license and address. But these data are not good because like they put false number of licenses. Airbbnb say they want to do it good, but that they have no power in the business, only in spain, and they have no influence. We are committed but we have no capabilities wihtin airbnb to change, because who takes decision is airbnb in a global scale.
Do you tell them: ok go to your boss and come back with an answer. As a naitonal level representative of airbnb just go there to your boss and then we in amsterdam actually we got what we wanted.
In amsterdam in our enforcement team we noticed the same: there are a lot of irregularities. Legal obligations at the end are the only mean to meet these problems, because at the end you would only have a limited and reduced number of ads that are legal. You always have to fight againts the press who would be like: there are hosts who do not comply with the rule, you see your regulation is not good. Yet, regulation works till a certain points, they do not work with illegal ads.
Bologna - how we can organize the legal community of hosts? Bologna is a medium city, 50000 hosts in the whole city, smaller dimension, 70% of residence pop own the houses, most part of the hosts in our cities are probably legal and not speculator but 'normal' citizens, there is a problem of gentrification, hosuing policies in the city, and they are organizing (local pal - promoted by airbnb but trying to be more independent). It is good to understand how we can go forward regulation and the emersion of the illegal part, but also we need a streategy on how to create a community on the legal part about the community of owners. It is also a matter of conseus on a political level: if I put a tax on airbnb it can be critical, i can fight against airbnb because they fear about their reputations, but still then all my residences will be worried about themselves. Not all residences are criiminals.
Montreal - Who is negotiating in the city?
In amsterdam: at official level is the economic departement but at the end is a political issue
Bcn - is mostly licesnes department (urban planning deps who is giving licenses) and then tourism department, which is ruled by the regional normative. It is deputy majors of urban planning and then councelor of tourism: at the political level, and then at the technocal level the otehr teams.
Is it interesting to mak a colelctive negotiation related to data other aspects?
Amsterdam: now the idea of sharing resources and efforts between cities i see it skeptical because in the media and public opinion you see it is a very hyper senstivie issue and subject, people are concerned and worried. Now, with all the structural and political differences between cities, I see it difficult
Alvaro - For airbnb one of the key elemetn is reputation and therefore a network of people can work it out. The debate is not technical, it is rather about putting forward a framework
Bologna - I do feel that we can organize together and also offering something to airbnb, like tools or rules or opportunities at both side: regulatory abut also developing something for airbnb together, creating a critical mass with cities we can be stronger in the negotiations, also taking care of the political aspect: to pressure EU institutions, because they need to care about the issue
BCN: there are 2 points: we need to find/solve the technical issues that allow airbnb to manage itself on a local scale, the other is the fight against bad actors (which airbnb doe not like either)
Amsdterdam - let's have barceloina do the proposal and put it on the political debate after having created a european network including cities alñso who are not in the debate or are not concerned
Montreal - they are not there at all, the governance is different, and they are not there regarding the committment of revindication, or what we are is a concern but not as much as it is for you.
NY - maybe not regulations but advertisement might be an important piece of the puzzle. In NY housing is not a big issue, specifically: housing it is not only about airbnb
Taiwan . dont have regulation, airbnb is pretty new, tourism is not the problem, and the capacity is enough, the government is not aware but the housing price is getting high so city government is focusing on the long term renatl: increasing tax for (multiple) ownership of the house
mayo - conclusions: systematyzing existing resources and state of regulations is good to share resources btw cities; expand the study and focus of analysis.
Amsterdam: we feel like skeptical and do not feel like totally joining because at the european level things are appening as for Albert's group so we could run the risk of working double and doing something that maybe somebodey is already doing. So we suggest to wait and see the table that Albert set up and what they come up with and then take action.
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Paraules clau: sobirania urbana, accés a les dades, regulació, comunitat de propietaris d'allotjament turístic, lloguer de curta durada
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Paraules clau en anglès: city sovereignty, access to data, regulation, community of tourist accommodation owners, short term rental
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Intervinents: Álvaro Porro, Mayo Fuster, Murray Cox, Albert Eefting
Persones mencionades:
Projectes mencionats: Inside Airbnb
Organitzacions mencionades: AirBnB, Ajuntament d'Amsterdam, Ajuntament de Barcelona
Llibres i publicacions citades:
Data Policies & Strategies, with a focus on Short Term Rental Platforms
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Localització: Sharing Cities Stand Lab – Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 · Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
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