Collective Intelligence for Civic Commons 2018/11/15
De teixidora
Quan: des de 15-novembre-2018 fins a 15-novembre-2018 · Hora: 9:30 - 10:30· On: Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 and 2, Fira Barcelona. Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat · (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Dimmons UOC
Hashtag:#ShareBcn2018_Xarxes socials: @sharebcn2018
The third edition of the Sharing Cities Summit will take place in Barcelona 12-15 of November 2018. It follows the previous edition of the Sharing City Summit held in 2017 in NYC, and in 2016 in Amsterdam. The event will gather Mayors and Deputy Mayors from leading cities from around the world, and actors of the sharing ecosystem, to discuss how the continuous growth of sharing economies impacts the life and economic development of the cities. The participants will consider what innovative measures can be taken to meet the challenges and opportunities we face, such as how to differentiate between digital platforms, based on the model of collaboration of its users that is applied. This year’s Summit will focus on defining a “Declaration of principles and commitments for a Sharing City”, and will stimulate concrete collaboration between cities.
After the Mayors encounter, on 12 November there will be a public event in the evening. On 13, 14 and 15 November, a part of this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC18), there will be topic at the congress dedicated to “Inclusive and Shared Cities“
The talks and debates of the summit are documented through collaborative reporting to Teixidora.
“… In this workshop we are going to discover how the Civic Design Method can guide us in the activation of Collective Intelligence processes that generate value for local communities and the Territory. The workshop allows us to discover practical tools for analyzing and activating local actors in collaborative processes where the economic and social issues are integrated to generate positive impact, putting people and the Territory at the center. We will work to define a new Civic Realm where collaboration and synergy between actors operating from different contexts and spheres can be facilitated.
Speaker: Domenico Di Siena
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Social impact of my work, during my scholar career I didn't have a background on.. and felt a lack of..
there are professional careers related to the concept but we end up having a very narrow perspective
when I discovered the concept of Civic Design I loved it, because it is an opportunity to explore a new way for the discipline, and I promote a debate.
Civic Design has two words.
Civic, I understand it as the connection with the territory, citizens as inhabitants of terrritory and they are also working on their own governance.
Understanding knowledge as if there are people who are more legitimated to create solutions or the only ones capable of creating solutions, it is a problem.
when i put civic design, we are solving a little bit this probelm: we are taking the idea of collective intelligence.
I am now focused on the idea to design a civic design method. It is difficult to say there is a method, but I understand it as a guide, as suggestions, for whoever is interested in practicing it.
The result of more than .. years of professional work, I use it without being aware of it, I work on it thinking how is the approach and finding the differences with other approaches.
The first essencial way to explain the method is with these three axes: locate, think and make
There is human centred design, design thinking, etc but for me, the axe of location is very important.
For me this method is a way to produce collective intelligence.
Even if we have specific tools and methods, behind them there is important thinking that could be resumed in:
multi-belonging, a good potential to transform our way to connect to multiple people, I focus more on what we have in common than in our differeences
located collective intelligence
converging autonomies: the idea that in civic design we focus on the process, when we promote processes, in order to achieve collective intelligence, you need to be legitimated and have the paritcipation of many people. In this idea, you need to keep processes open and adaptable also allow that other processes are started autonomously.
permeable resilience
civic commons - civic refering to how these commons are located in the territory, and also how we as citizens could improve our territory
Collective intelliegence canvass
the idea that you have a team that helps you get an objective, the canvas specify the most important topics, processes, challenges...
different colors for different approaches:
in this way the point of start, you have promoters, also for private, civic, public, univesity sectors,
you think how the process will be financed, developed in terms of governance
you can think about how you want to engage people: at the high level governance, or only people that are giving some opinion or resources...
try to have a first, cheap or easy prototype that gives an idea of the final results
The bottom area includes time, communication, and blended realm.
Time: rhythms and cycles. When you start a participatory process peopel that are there from the beginning achieve a level of power that is superior..
if you plan the process of different cycles at the beginning of each cycle you have the chance for newcomers
Communication: in these rhythms and cycles, it is very important to work on communication and documentation: the newcomer will be better welcomed
Communication is very important: sometimes we forget that we have to communicate from the beginning to the end of the process.
Blended realm: the way in which we think about the digital is so far too naive. We don't think that the physical and the digital can work together. But in this vision we have a constant connection between the physical and the digital.
the purpose at the center, the communities that want to be involved and the spaces. I highlight the thinking about spaces, physical and digital
Sometimes we understimate the importance of the spaces where we develop the processes: both physical and digital spaces.
The approach that people have when they reach the space changes: do you feel like the guest or the owner of the space? if you feel as the guest you are less empowered, if you feel you are the owner you are more involved
The method is open source and you can download it at
In Valencia we created a space, Civic Factory, with a space tat can be changed to be comfortable or uncomfortable.
The other tool is the circular process:
While the Collective intelliegence canvass is more about "think", the circular process is more about "make"
Why I talk about collective intellingence and not about participatory processes
what I like in the concept of collective intelligence is that there is some collective creativity where people work to create something new together. Collective intelligence is not democratic, is not about choosing the proposal that has more endorsements. Itis not about the fair power of the representatives:
sometimes we are too obsessed to have poepole that represents other people, this is democracy (one representing another) when you are concerned about representativity, you are less creative.
So besides democracy, we could have other processes.
When there is a disagreement people vote, they don't get together and talk to find a way to create something new together
Transparency in terms of communication, creating different rythms, ..
In circular process you have different phases.
You can start at the start, but sometimes you have something already ongoing, that's why it is a circular proposal, understand it as a guide, civic design is a process
to achieve a final result, we need to think in a process: start, you plan the process and the people involved, then you need to think in more people, new people involved and you refocus the process
then you start communication outside the grup (difusió)
then, when you do this difusion, hopefully you get new people coming and then you start to develop the first steps of the process, and you test the prototype. If the test results are good, then you can implement the process.
Then you need to measure the impact.
Then you could re-start again.
The tool to locate
Civic real canvas
I am passionate about Commons but also I am concerned with the idea that the commons is better than public and private. I think it is an enormous achievement to have the commons at the centre, but not to think it is better.
In the research I am doing I am trying to understand a civic realm where actually Commons, private and public could work together without any prejudice.
There is prejutgement and we are creating walls to work with different stakeholders.
Four realms or spheres:
M: market: understood as the realms where we work to share any kind of resources -- not only as money market, but any kind of sharing, even knowledge, resources,...
D: domestic - the realm closer to us, our home or family, or professional group
I: Institutions: any kind of huge institution that is in charge of the governance of the territory.
S: Social: where people can connect together and create something together, without the market approach -- not sharing, but creating something together.
Scheme with two axes
collective benefit on the right
personal benefit on the leftç
top - global
bottom: local realm
who how were
the three of them superposed -
blue the people, pink orange
the places where the market is closer to domestic - shops the neighbourhood, the house - hybridisation, mashup of different realities
the idea is that the people that want to develop a social innovation process can use this scheme to think about it.
The idea is to center the civic realm, and a hybridization between all realms.
To figure out how to design a civic design process, how collective intelligence could create a positive impact on the territory.
Enric Senabre
QAt the begining of your talk you mentioned impact, how to measure
A. The civimetro is a tool to measure the impact that collective intelligence can have on the territory, civic wise it is still in development,
Monica Garriga
Q. There are different people developing different canvas: can we meet up. At LaCo we are developing based on the 5 pillars of . Can we meet up and share them? We have so many canvas...
A. It is a good idea. There are many people w: open collabaorative approach. So let's organize it...
Mayo Fuster
QI like the idea that collective intelligence is not democracy, any human interaction can have democratic values, I would reframe it it is about a conception of democracy.
there is also the star of the democratic qualities of democracy.
I really have enjoyed your observation on rethink the quadriple helix civic society, entreprises, research, public institutions,... I like how you frame it in we have to think this win-win relationships, it would be interesting to start a workshop to start the dialogue to see what are the prejudices, what are the roles between them, there are about 80 actors?
A. I agree about the democracy thing but I also want to be a bit provocative
i love to provocate with this idea that democracy is not creative.
We had a workshop with the Valencia agency for employment, with civil servants and others, and one of the participants left when we told him that his work was the same as the others...
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Paraules clau: economia col·laborativa, intel·ligència col·lectiva, valor social, processos col·lectiusmulti-pertanença, disseny cívic, governança, territori, coneixement, intel·ligència col·lectiva, resiliència permeable, procomú cívic
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Paraules clau en anglès: collective intelligence, social value, collective processesmulti-belongin, civic design, governance, territory, knowledge, collective intelligence, permeable resilience, civic commons
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Intervinents: Domenico Di Siena
Persones mencionades:
Projectes mencionats: Civic Factory, La Comunificadora
Organitzacions mencionades:
Llibres i publicacions citades:
Diagnòstic i/o avaluació que s'ha fet a l'esdeveniment.
Riscos / debilitats / mancances
- When there is a disagreement people vote, they don't get together and talk to find a way to create something new together. Besides democracy, we could have other processes.,
- I am concerned with the idea that the commons is better than public and private. I think it is an enormous achievement to have the commons at the centre, but not to think it is better.
Oportunitats / fortaleses
- Multi-belonging has a potential to transform our way to connect to multiple people, to focus more on what we have in common than in our differences
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Mapa d'ubicació
Localització: Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 and 2, Fira Barcelona. Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat ·
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