Sobirania tecnològica: un nou repte per les ciutats? 2016/10/07/apunts
De teixidora
Sobirania tecnològica: un nou repte per les ciutats?
11.30 Inauguració Gerardo Pisarello, primer tinent d’alcalde, Barcelona
. necessitat de reflexionar. necessitat de reflexionar sobre sobiranies, sobirania popular, ciutadana per poder decidir lliurement com gestionem aigua, energia,... això porta a processos de mercantilització que donen peu a concentracions de grans quantitats de poder que incumpleixen amb la legalitat, en nom d'una nova legalitat precaritzadora, privatitzadora -> TTIP, reforma constitucional espanyola,...
. la tecnologia juga un paper molt important, i des dels moviments socials no hem reflexionat prou sobre el fet q el capitalisme actual és un capitalisme tecnològic, la tecnologia està essent una eina molt potent en aquest procés.
. Les ciutats també som institució i estem intentant resistir a aquest procés, des de les 'ciutats del canvi' que ens veiem com a 'ciutats rebels' . referència a Boaventura de Sousa Santos
administració + academia + institucions + ciutadania
les noves tecnologies, q son un instrument d'elimiacó de drets socials i polítics bàsics poden tb jugar un paper en retornar la sobirania als pobles, i calen espais crítics on fer-ho.
Com a Ajuntament de Bcn estem molt contents de poder participar en aquesta iniciativa, batalla cultural, per canviar un sentit comú q converteix en normals coses q no haurien de ser normalitzades.
11.45 Presentació de BITS Joan Subirats, Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (IGOP), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
El canvi tecològic és un element central en la posada en questió i en crisis de molts instruments i espais de diàleg.
Estem parlant de política, no de tecnologia. agendes, prioritats, interessos queden definits per la sobirania tecnològica, a quines necessitats i interessos serveixen. El debat té a veure amb arquitectura tecnològica i amb fluxes de comunicació i informació, per això hi ha aquest debat ssobre el bigdata -> Cathy O'Neil, 'Weapons of Math Destruction'.
Politització de l'escenari de canvi d'epoca on som- des d'un àmbit acadèmic, separació objecte i subjecte de la investigació i la tècnica, hi ha un espai d'investigació on embrutar-se les mans.Recerca incrustada en els processos de canvi.
Barcelona no està absent d'aquest debat, SCWC o MWC han estat poc vinculats a la ciutat en si. Ciutat és un punt clau, central, a l'internet de les coses, de les persones, de...
Mayo Fuster - IN3 UOC
Necessitat d'interdisciplinarietat, ecologies de coneixement, necessitat de reflexionar sobre els que fan possible la tecnologia.
Dos grups a IN3
Tecnopolitica (Manuel Castells, Arnau Monty, Calleja i Javier Toret - noves modalitats d'organització política, en xarxa, transversals, eines com Barcelona Decidim
Dimons (Mayo Fuster, Enric Senabre, Eva Esteban, vessant econòmica, politiques q poden afavorir una nova modalitat deconomia digital i escalar l'economia cooperativista
Tb s'ha de parlar de la mala praxis, de les portes giratories en la política tecnològica. Explotar la possibilitita d'explotar les dades, com això genera problemàtiques, noves tecnologies per explotar la nova política.
Recerca acció, q pugui informar tant el desenvolupament de polítiques públiques.
La importància de conuntament i en paralel pensar en les implicacions polítiques i per la política de la tecnologia, itb respecte de l'economia. Economia social i solidaria i del pro-comú.
Tenim molt present el rol de l'estat per promocionar un tipus d'economia de mercat, i l'admin podria tb donar suport a economies del procomú.
Sobirania tecnològica, si la tecnologia no ens porta a guanyar sobirania, perquè la volem? si no és així, ens cal donar-los un programa polític. I des del punt de vista d'igualtat de gènere, la tecnologia té un nivell de desigualtat de gènere molt més alt q altres àmbits.
12:00 La sobirania tecnològica i les ciutats: Evgeny Morozov, escriptor
Try to reconcile the struggle of techn sovereignity with other social movements around the world today.
Political and historical background - past 3 years - every mainstream newspaper warns us on the rise of populism, but it is the populism of the elites what is a danger and we need to confront.
Populism of the elites - 3 pillars:
1. finance 2. urbanism (cities) 3. technology They are interconnected and asked to perform functions that they cannot deliver.
1. Finance, sometime in the 70s something profound happened, financial markets expand, fiancial value, funds, to benefit ordinary citizens, Liberalising and deregulating financial industry, increase of power to central banks, to finance production, lend money to stimulate economic growth, it brings speculation, experimental initiatives, financed by financial vehicles (no governments), trying to generate returns by exploiting assets (infrastructure, workforce,...) , raising prices, the rise of social bonds (schools, hospitals, prisons...) mesuring the outcome to link it to the performance of the private provider (Goldman Sachs for instance). The same is happening to us as individuals. New financial populism towards governments and towards citizens, invented as enterpreneurs.
2. Urbanism - also trying to fix the effects, we are now all talking about cities as a way to solve the worlds problems: climate change, congestion, jobs, security, refugees (cisco Ibm) - apocalist literature. cities are artifically presented as gateways to solve those problems. The rise of the smart city , the way in which cities have been asked to be responsible while their bugdet cut down by states...
3. Technology- is key. Enrolment of giant techn firms like google, uber,.. to try to grasp the problems created by the rise of finance speculation, the welfare state has shrunk. If tech firms pitch themeselves as replacements of welfare state, cheap transportation services (i.e. uber rides subsidised by the government), health services, - many of the services are offered much cheaper than they can be offered in non-tech - the data has value, leads to development of artificial inteleigencs then to be sold to administrations. These firms could provide services cheap to extract as much data as they can, developing advanced services. Shadow privatised welfare state. -
Through the rise of finance, and citizen enterpreneur, we are all speculators, most people get by by investing into property, trying to make money out of it, interest rates, our warefare is guaranteed by income generated by speculation (firms like airb&b / uber ) to compensate what citizens have lost. -> National macro economic policy. The incomes of people are lower than prices in walmart . to understand silicon valley you need to apply the same thought system. it seems insane, but I don't see alternative. Populism based on fraud, there is no model behind it. there are all these hidden deals behind that make it look like it is working. Finance + philantropist .
data extractivism - services are cheap because they are financed on your data. in the long term it is very bad. sensors + connectivity - unless you are in charge of that infrastructure speculators, capitalism, silicon valley - in control. There is no other way than realise that tech sovereignity is the way if you are serious about challenging the system.
articulate an alternative where you can recognise that speculation has become the way to guarantee income for the people, or you'll be outdated and obsolete
12:20 El postcapitalisme: noves formes de fer política a Europa (i al món) Paul Mason, periodista i escriptor
information technology makes possible a transition towards a situation of relative abundance, automation of work highly intelligent use of raw materials,... Rebel actions for a rebel city. Marginalist economics - copy and pasting is cheap - zero cost product - monopoly, patents, ... capitalism has a defence mechanism to information technology. Uber is not an organic system. the information effect on price, doesn't affect information.exponential changes on the cost of things.
jobs are susceptible to information- modular work. it blurs the division between work and ? - falling prices and automation of work, changes the process of adaptation to crises. jobs are destroyed as new processes are invented.
. invention of factory system - factory workers had higher wages . second takeoff of capitalism - . after the IIWW
. today the 0 price effect - it is not reversible - neoliberalism has suppressed the workers ability to claim higher wages. - David Graeber on bullshit jobs. these airb&b, uber,... capacity utilisation businesses- depend on monopolitisc statues - inability to creating a new growing era - housing, healthcare, education, were desired to be cheap by the elites. Capital survival mechanism make these things expensive. if we don't break this cycle - staggering neofeudalism - speculative capitalism business models where collaboration are more important externalities, network effects, where our network interactions - wikipedia, linux, - communal collaborative network production how much of the tools you use are produced outside the market sector? the moral of sillicon valley - make proprietal, secret, that no one understands... post-capitalism recognise the possibility of a transition to a more collaborative economy and then promote it - I don't have a solution, but: state, market and non market it will take us at least one century.
reduce necessary work - automatic production, learn to earn less (reducing the input cost to survive), our incomes not to be dependent on work. the city will be the primary venue for this process , (like in the renaissance) be overt (talk about it ) create the transition. switch off the neoliberal privatisation machine begin modelling reality as a complex system imaginative solutions at scale, using fairphone the basic income - as a social subsidy - it can only be a transitional measure - more services are being collaborative in bcn - I never use the idea of an 'unconditional basic income' actively promote the collaborative sector, platform collaborative understand and fight the battle of data produced by network - if data is the property of the commons then you can have a negotiated discussion with the private sector. maybe they can commercialise it , maybe they will exploit it for the human good. being in the precariat became a survival thing - so people can take proactive - collaborative businesses, basic income and data as commonly held property
12:55 Debat: Evgeny Morozov, escriptor; Paul Mason, periodista i escriptor; Francesca Bria, comissionada de Tecnologia i Innovació Digital de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona Modera: Renata Avila, advocada especialista en drets humans, propietat intellectual i noves tecnologies
Torn de preguntes
Paul Mason - els poderosos estan terrified del q han creat ells mateixos. - potser no podrem conversar amb uber, però amb les empreses de tecnologia potser si.
aquestes ciutats (rebels) estan fent el q haurien de fer les empreses mateixes per recapturar la seva sobirania. cal donar alternatives, opcions.
The citizen doesn't want the administration that collects its taxes to know where he is all the time. quite happy for google to know where he is, but not the admin. and that's quite right
diverse machine learning - no uniformity in inputs
Eveny Morozov - technological ideas seemingly innocent are embeded in a certain view of the world . el llenguatge de la tecnologia ha despolititzat determinats debats - només parlem de privacitat, pots comprar-ne, no és el qe volem, no volem privacitat com un servei, volem el dret a la privacitat.
Francesca Bria - Moviments radicals com el q està en poder ara a Bcn, q es preocupen d'habitatge social, sobirania energètica, .... no han tackled la questió de la tecnologia. tech companies philantrocapitalist mission, una agenda humanitaria q no està en el core del seu business model. Qui finançarà aquestes alternatives a llarg termini? funding infrastructure, green economy, jobs q no son bulshit jobs, ... una alternativa al casino financer.
Agenda positiva - corrupció insituticional, portes giratòries, els grans contractes fets de manera q no són transparents pels ciutadans, la transparencia no és la panacea, i no es vigilancia sobre els ciutadans, open source software, sistemes oberts, ètics, és un gran pas.
Sobre propietat de les dades, infrastructura de dades de ciutat, gas energia aigua public transportation, i data. De manera q pugui esdevenir un public good, amb ètica en el core, embedding the new citizens rights in the way we design technology.
A Bcn molt impressionada per tot el q ja hi havia, ja des de la UE veia q molts experiments clau eren catalans, @22, maker spacers, fab labs, local food production, local, territorial,... es pot donar un 50 a les tec i l'altre a la ciutat.
basic income - indirect incomes (services to citizens) - scale (public control over critical infrastructure - data commons - it is your data! we can talk about the scale of it)