Sharing Cities: A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona 2018/11/14
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Quan: des de 14-novembre-2018 fins a 14-novembre-2018 · Hora: 14:45 - 15:00· On: Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 and 2, Fira Barcelona. Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat · (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Dimmons UOC
Hashtag:#ShareBcn2018_Xarxes socials: @sharebcn2018
The third edition of the Sharing Cities Summit will take place in Barcelona 12-15 of November 2018. It follows the previous edition of the Sharing City Summit held in 2017 in NYC, and in 2016 in Amsterdam. The event will gather Mayors and Deputy Mayors from leading cities from around the world, and actors of the sharing ecosystem, to discuss how the continuous growth of sharing economies impacts the life and economic development of the cities. The participants will consider what innovative measures can be taken to meet the challenges and opportunities we face, such as how to differentiate between digital platforms, based on the model of collaboration of its users that is applied. This year’s Summit will focus on defining a “Declaration of principles and commitments for a Sharing City”, and will stimulate concrete collaboration between cities.
After the Mayors encounter, on 12 November there will be a public event in the evening. On 13, 14 and 15 November, a part of this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC18), there will be topic at the congress dedicated to “Inclusive and Shared Cities“
The talks and debates of the summit are documented through collaborative reporting to Teixidora.
“… This session is focus on the presentation of the book "Sharing Cities: A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona" and the research associated. Speaker: Mayo Fuster
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Sharing Cities Book. A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona
How are cities like Paris and Seoul bringing collaborative dynamics through hubs or into the creation of platforms for collaborative public policies.
A way to translate the state of the art in terms of challenges in terms of rules, towards a sustainable, inclusive collaborative economy.
We want to see who wins and who looses in the platform economy, and take the challenge of power in the platform economy.
There is a part on free licenses and digital commons. At the end of this perspective we try to bring these things together.
There are different levels, city, regional, national and so on.
Vera Vidal
15 cities took part in the survey on how they drafted their sharing economy policies.
1) City as a regulator
2) City as promoter
3) City as monitor
4) City as collaborator
Mayo Fuster
The second part of the book is about the qualities of the platforms, what criteria we use to identify the different kinds of platform economy.
This resource came from previous attempts to develop these criteria.
Wikipedia is not the same as Uber, the decision making process, the governance is not the same, the technical process, do they use software or not , open data or not.
Third criteria is impact, if they don't contribute it does not have value, how far there is a framework of responsibility towards groups and social responsibility in the city.
Then we provide an overview of the state of what do we know about inclusion, for example gender in the platform economy, this points to how much work there is still to be done. There is gender discrimination in all kinds of platforms economy. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of this.
In the 3rd part. In general we cannot say that the platform economy favours an environmentally mode of production.
A chapter by Alvaro Porro who is the director of the City council commision on the social and solidarity economy
He gives an overview of the city councils policies. Also Communificadora, Barcola, Procomuns.
Also Promotion policies such as match funding.
Ricard Espelt
I have been analysing the impact of technology on agricultural cooperative, connecting SSE and digital commons.
It has been very rich. In this holistic vision across 5 dimensions. To discover their approach to the use of technology and also environmental sensibility.
Overview of this historical process in Barcelona.
Enric - We were organising a timeline - what was the origin of the techno-social movements in Barcelona, Pangea provided internet services for social movements. We asked David Gomez if we could include the text from Comunificadora.
David Gomez
Its a good case of a derivative work. There is the issue with the license but in the digital version it will be a copyleft license.
The original text was in a book about the first edition of the Communificadora program which is a program by the city council for the the transition of the collaborative economy to commons and cooperative models. It's the city council model but it's the result of years of grassroots activity about free software, free hardware, open design, groups etc. What I wrote was about the context in which Communificadora was created. It explains from the 90's to today this timeline of the collaborative economy, free culture, free technologies, in paralell with the social economy and cooperatives.
Mayo Fuster
As Enric can say, it's been a sprint of 2 weeks. We have given a copy to each of the cities who have come and we hope it can inform them about the context in Barcelona
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Paraules clau: economia col·laborativa, recerca, economia de plataforma, economia del compartir, dades obertes, cultura lliure, economia social i solidaria, cooperatives, procomuns digitals
Mostra paraules clau en altres llengües · anglès ·
Paraules clau en anglès: research, platform economy, sharing economy, open data, free culture, social economy, cooperatives, digital commons, collaborative economy
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Intervinents: Mayo Fuster, Enric Senabre, Ricard Espelt, David Gómez Fontanills, Vera Vidal
Persones mencionades:
Projectes mencionats: Comunificadora, Barcola, Procomuns
Organitzacions mencionades: Pangea, Uber, Barcelona City Council, femProcomuns
Llibres i publicacions citades:
Sharing Cities. A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona,
Diagnòstic i/o avaluació que s'ha fet a l'esdeveniment.
Riscos / debilitats / mancances
Oportunitats / fortaleses
- La Comunificadora is a city council programme, but it's the result of years of grassroots activity about free software, free hardware, open design, groups etc.
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Mapa d'ubicació
Localització: Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 and 2, Fira Barcelona. Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat ·
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