
Sharing Cities: A commons approach to meeting the UN SDGs 2018/11/15

De teixidora

Esdeveniment ¬ sessió • Forma part de: Share Barcelona 2018. Sharing Cities Summit

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Sharing Cities: A commons approach to meeting the UN SDGs

Quan: des de 15-novembre-2018 fins a 15-novembre-2018 · Hora: 12:30 - 13:30· On: Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 and 2, Fira Barcelona. Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat · (mapa) · Llengua: en-anglès Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Dimmons UOC

Hashtag:#ShareBcn2018_Xarxes socials:Twitter logo initial.png @sharebcn2018

The third edition of the Sharing Cities Summit will take place in Barcelona 12-15 of November 2018. It follows the previous edition of the Sharing City Summit held in 2017 in NYC, and in 2016 in Amsterdam. The event will gather Mayors and Deputy Mayors from leading cities from around the world, and actors of the sharing ecosystem, to discuss how the continuous growth of sharing economies impacts the life and economic development of the cities. The participants will consider what innovative measures can be taken to meet the challenges and opportunities we face, such as how to differentiate between digital platforms, based on the model of collaboration of its users that is applied. This year’s Summit will focus on defining a “Declaration of principles and commitments for a Sharing City”, and will stimulate concrete collaboration between cities.

After the Mayors encounter, on 12 November there will be a public event in the evening. On 13, 14 and 15 November, a part of this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC18), there will be topic at the congress dedicated to “Inclusive and Shared Cities“

The talks and debates of the summit are documented through collaborative reporting to Teixidora.

“… A 2009 World Bank working paper by Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom suggests that taking a “polycentric” approach might be a more effective response to climate change because it could reach more stakeholders, increase cooperation, and accelerate necessary action. Roughly speaking, a polycentric approach to climate change means a bottom-up, distributed effort lead by local, participatory multi-stakeholder groups that adds up to substantial change at a global level. This interactive ‘world cafe’ style discussion will begin with a presentation of case studies, model policies and principles from Shareable’s new book “Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons,” before exploring existing city policies and replicable case studies that demonstrate how local communities, organizations and governments can meet their SDG goals through a commons based approach through a series of participatory conversations.

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Documentació d'aquesta sessió

· Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg apunts ·

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Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg Apunts i cròniques

Apunts presos a l'esdeveniment, cròniques, ressenyes i documents de conclusions.


Apunts copiats al wiki:

Tom Llewellyn Shareable, advising to governments, community initiatives, we also run a magazine,

In 2011 we started to work wih cities, hosted the first Sharing economy in San Francisco to look at the city as a platform for sharing, we've been working with groups that do mappings and connect with communities.

in 2016 started to work on a book, Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons half policies and half case studies, we've been looking at how these projectes are working with UN SDGs and could be supported, scaled and elevated by cities.

Would be good for cities to support existing projects rather than create new ones

This responds to a poli-centric approach to mitigating climate change.

Elinor Ostrom wrote a report for the World Bank, and said: with a policentric approach we can bring together more stakeholders and foster cooperation.

what I can bring together what a lot of people are doing together is a lot better than top down.

We looked at car sharing for every single shared car you could remove 13 cars off the road study by Lucy ?¿?¿

Study by the National Museum..  when you reduce expenses by using car sharing you can increase the use of taxes for promoting SDGs

In sum: sharing resources contributes toward the goals of SDG.

Mauricio O'Brien, Goteo:

How we work with the commons, we help them raise money to be funded, the case of Lendi is a project about sharing resources in a community. Every project in Goteo has the committment to publish their results through CC licensing.

We had planned to do a world cafe, which requires a critical mass of people. We will split in 3 groups for conversation. maximum 4 persons per group, paper and pens to draw

a few questons and we'll have 7 minutes for each

- SDGs as a tool, what do you think about SDGs: are they a beneficial tool?

the person taking notes stays and everyone else moves to another group

- has the city you are living in have they made any committment to the SDGs, how has it been recieved

the person taking notes stays and everyone else moves to another group

- What tools would you need to get your project more aligned with the SDGs?

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Col·labora completant o afegint la documentació que falta.

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Hi ha: > Document (222488) - The Noun Project.svg apunts o cròniques

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Fotografia: Jae 2009 CC-by-sa 2.0 Wikimedia Commons. Cusco, Perú
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Fotografia: Jae 2009 CC-by-sa 2.0 Wikimedia Commons. Cusco, Perú
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Metadata - The Noun Project.svg Metadades

Informació estructurada de l'esdeveniment que permet connectar-lo amb altres continguts a Teixidora.

Paraules clau: economia col·laborativa, comuns urbans, impacte econòmic, impacte social, impacte ambientalenfocament policèntric, procomú, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (SDG)

Mostra paraules clau en altres llengües · anglès ·

Intervinents: Tom Llewellyn, Mauricio O'Brien

Persones mencionades:

Projectes mencionats: Shareable Magazine

Organitzacions mencionades: Shareable, Goteo, -

Llibres i publicacions citades:

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Aufgabe-ankreuzen.svg Diagnòstic

Diagnòstic i/o avaluació que s'ha fet a l'esdeveniment.

Riscos / debilitats / mancances

Oportunitats / fortaleses

  • We've been looking at how these projects (in the commons realm) are working with UN SDGs and could be supported, scaled and elevated by cities.,
  • Would be good for cities to support existing projects rather than create new ones,
  • Sharing resources contributes toward the goals of SDG.


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Col·labora estructurant els resultats a partir de la documentació existent

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A més dels resultats mostrats en aquesta pàgina, Teixidora permet mostrar de forma estructurada els següents resultats:

  • Cites (què s'ha dit)

  • Alternatives

Si creus que d'aquesta sessió se'n poden extreure alguns d'aquests resultats edita la pàgina i posa-ho a les caselles previstes a la secció "resultats".

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Mapa d'ubicació


Localització: Gran Via Venue, HALL 1 and 2, Fira Barcelona. Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat ·

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