
ShareBcn 2018 Institutional welcome and Day programme review 2018/11/12/apunts/01

De teixidora

ShareBcn 2018 Institutional welcome and Day programme review

Share Barcelona 2018 - Sharing Cities Summit - 12-15 November 2018

Collaborative notes to be transferred to, documentation to share and reuse.

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(Conference notes in chronological order)

Conference notes

Introduction & Summit introduction:

  • Mayo Fuster Morell (Open University of Catalonia- Dimmons)

Intitutional welcoming:

  • Gerardo Pisarello (Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council)
  • Pastora Martinez (Vicerector Open University of Catalonia)

Previous Summit’s representatives:

  • Udo Kock (Deputy Mayor, Amsterdam)
  • Sonam Velani (NYC, Mayor’s Office)

Mayo Fuster Morell (Open University of Catalonia- Dimmons)

After Amsterdam 2105 and NY 2017, Barcelona 2018

15 cities

We doubled the ambition of the organizer. we are very happy with the interest generated. We have a plural representation from 5 continents.

Equal gender in the panels

Joining forces between policy and research

Gerardo Pisarello (Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council)

Barcelona has always been innovative and creative city, and it is a big metropolis, we are aware we need to tackle challenges we wouldn't have imagined years ago.

Technology affects every part of our daily life. robots, cybers, digital revolution are here, we need to know how to face them

it wont change. we need to know how to tackle all these challenges

The internet is also giving us oportunities, such as Wikipedia, Som Mobilitat,... gives us the chance to link the technological revolution and open knowledge

There is a possibility of democratic governance of digital platforms, respecting labour rights. That 's a hughe opportunity

Dimmons has put together a list of projects...

Technology is never neutral, we need to create a framework to benefit the common good.

We have an opportunity to regulate big digtal plaforms, that operate in our cities, such as Uber and AirBnB

Citizens Rights are at stake. We know that this summit is not an ordinary summit. Having 50 cities here in Barcelona.

Smart Cities can only be smart if the solve democratically the main challenges of it's people.

let s start working together

Pastora Martinez (Vicerector Open University of Catalonia)

UOC one of the organizers of this summit

cities of New York and Amsterdam

why is a university coorganizing such a meeting?

Dimmons led by Dr Mayo Fuster

transition of economy that puts people in the center sustainable relation with technology

Platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona, this book focus on the problems that the platform economy has.

It is worth to mention at the open university we have several research groups that address topics on the cities related to different areas.

We are working nearly 20 years now.

university without barriers, inclusive society, thanks to technology

In a similar way that technology changes the approach of face to face meeting and putting the student at the center of the learning process, technology has also extended the access to knowledge, a key driver the  welfare of population

As universities knowledge is our main asset. The knowledge we share with our students. knowledge is no longer only in universities, also in museums, libraries and in cities.

we are commited to being an open knowledge hub. A more porous university. To accelerate research. Cocreation and sharing of knowledge

2020 Agenda, included in our university plan,  policy matching for decision making processs identify shared commitments between cities.

Udo Kock (Deputy Mayor, Amsterdam)

Amsterdam organised the first sharing cities summit.

The issues are too complicated for cities to address them on our own, at the end of the day the challenge is find to right balance between innovation and regulation.

If we say no to these platforms we miss an opportunity to innovation,  but if we interact and building relationships with platforms is the right approach thats what we ve been doing in Amsterdam

that is what we have been trying to do in Amsterdam

My message to these platforms is please work with us, not against us. we need each other, we all need to find the right balance between innovation and regulation

In principal all platforms have benefits for citizens

add value to the citizens

Sonam Velani (NYC, Mayor’s Office)

Fantastic to see the evolution of this alliance.  Last year we hosted the sharing cities summit in New York

City governments around the world are trying to standardise their approach.

We are forced into difficult decisions, establishing the right framework and protecting our constituents, growing number of platforms highlighted necesstiy to readjust regulation to reevaluate

and we are doing it in collaboration with all of you

In New York we launched a series of initiatives ensuring that our reglations match our 21 century regulation should match 21 century necessities such as social safety net for workers including health care, free lancers hub, access benefits and receive free legal assistance

New rules for short term rental platforms, enforcement of illegal hotels, a task force, reviewing how data is utilized finding unintended bias in algorithms, it is just the beginning of major transformation

An annual gathering is opportunity to create a needed common framework, working together we can expand our own knowledge of this transfromation

Key issues for adapting and embracing the sharing economy or even a specific sector. We need to send a clear message to companies on how we will ensure our economic future

Mayo Fuster Morell (Open University of Catalonia- Dimmons)

To establish an action oriented output from the summit

two waves of interaction

BOOK - Sharing Cities - A world wide cities overview on te platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona - Mayo Fuster

Today we are meeting to define a common strategy for after the summit. the summits wants also to interact with the whole ecosystem

Beyond the 100 people here today, there are 300 who are registered for the events.

Teixidora will be used

Thanking Barcola, Sharing Cities Alliance, Oui Share, Teixidora, Ideas for Change,

Yochai Benkler

Sharing cities rising to the challenge of technological change and democratic crisis... expert on how technology has transformed the worldwide

I want to talk about the role of cities,  in some sense bringing us from an abstract community to a community of practice about making and togehter  in response to identity crisis and democracy crisis

Twenty years ago, if anyone would have said that smart grid communications, health care communications, high capacity data would be runing over a commons based spectrum like wifire, it would have been crazy, you would have asked if largest software company would have been open, the largest software company in the world is competing with a bunch of volunteers, you would have been laughed out of the room if you had known that the volunteers would win. Free and open source software has become the basic infrstructure of the web... if you were to predict that the volunteers would win and free software.

Across the information and commnications infrastrucrure, commons based strategies suceeded over years in providing the basic infrastructure of communications and knowledge, this is the foundation of how the technology allows change but only in the context of profoundly changed social organisation.

In the first 2 thirds of the 20th century there is a focus on centralisation. What emerged in the last decade was a new model of production based on commons

if the older models build in various versions of nationalism, imagined community at the national level, a genuinely shared community around the practice of commons, here we suddenly had a chance around community as a basic model we have seen an atack a raise of nationalism, it has become true in the context of what was imagined, we ve seen commercial.

We need an alliance between goverements, and civil society to pull back power from the major platforms to create genuine forms of accountability based on transparency

I see here the great promise to build on the ground communities of knowledge, how we understand technology is fundamental to understanding ourselves, often we are just hanging on for dear life and rarely we feel what is hapening is a train wreck, your choice will be being clinging on to the train or being on the train, there is a recognition of the importance of institutions, the choice, significant variations in how countries adopt technologies.. the example of the barcode, leverages the data and extracts the value. Different regulations in different countries respond to discrete political battles at local levels forced the retailers to adopt... it seems far from sharing cities, but it is at the core, because  none of these countries stayed behind

the actual social relations around these tecnologies were fundamentally different for the majority of people, where a small number of bilioners, and a lot of people at the bottom.

Robots are adopted in Germany faster than in the US a lot of that has to do with the structure of the labour market, but there were more loses of work at the states, the fastest growing area of robots is called  cobots and this will increase the value of labour - shift from substitution to complementarity

you can go more on the direction of dyanamic consumers or You can focus more on a model of neigbours, co-workers and peers as the thing you are looking for.

when I first started analising these platforms in 2004 car pooling was one of the examples

If you look at the US car pooling is more used than uber,  peer sharing versus what is branded as sharing but is really a vendor model you have a choice were to put the emphasis, also as a city, if you think the city as a service provider to residents or clients. There are two models:  City Manager and City as Platform contrasted with Mayor and City as a democratic community.  How you structure the capabilites of the platform, you can ask yourself am I a democratic community or am I a service provider?

Efficiency or innovation versus community? Without commons, cities would not be cities. In the Sharing Cities Declaration you see this choice all over, is it  the thing that the platform does extract value or does it build a fair economic model, is it integrated with community governance?

It is impossible to have any type of democratic accountability or innovation without open access to the technology and the data. Is this is a central point for democratic accountability or does it actually work with the citiy,  they dont require to reject the technology but how and what kind of social relations are created , the structure of understanding that the role of the platfrom depends directly on  the what is around

The city in its close relationship with its citizens, building a genuine public partnership, what is called here in Barcelona public commons partnership

How to live together? Why care? Why cities?

We are seing a rise of nationalism, brought by a mix of insecurity and identity threat

We are not going to wait for countries to take action on climate

We are not going to wait for countries to take action when we see the erosion of democracy around the world

Cities can be democratic laboratories, building communities of practice about what we do  for ourselves, if you look at platforms, look at what do I know that looks like this but it is not really it, it is different from a vertical consumer, provider, but it is more similiar to a community of practice, to make a working community of practice. One that can give us a meaningful sense of identity. To provide a buffer. To give us the sense that we have a genuine stake in our society.

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People mentioned

Bartholomew C. Watson,

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