
Origin protocol: Decentralized marketplaces on the blockchain 2018/11/13/apunts/01

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Origin protocol: Decentralized marketplaces on the blockchain

Share Barcelona 2018 - Sharing Cities Summit - 12-15 November 2018

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Conference notes

About 20 years ago, P2P nature companies changed the way that people transact online, and their major impact on cities, like AirBnB or Uber have the possibility to increase tourism, it brings an increase on revenue, or people disabilities now can access easier.

It also has an impact on safety, in terms of revenue for the city it might take away from other businesses, and access, it seems it is getting better but on the insurance side are consumers protected? How are the requirements different? And in affordability, are things getting more or less affordable, and data, does the city get access to te valuable data created by these sharing economies?

18% are not partnering, 66% are not partnering but consider doing it, 16% are already partnering with sharing economy platforms, but they don't transfer all the data, most of them ask for an apology not for permission

"We envision that one day, peer-to-peer marketplaces will truly peer to peer and not-peer-to giant corporate or monopoly-to-peer." Sharing economy platforms are helping to have lower fees with blockchain you can allow two parties to relate with each other and help redistribute value.

Many cities have banned uber or AirBnB, without a decentralized point of failure, it is easier to have an impact on the services, for example, the City of San Francisco acting on to AirBnB, it wouldn't have been possible in a distributed technology. We are creating technology to make it easy to create many sharing economy platforms, marketplaces all over the world. If you go to dapp.originprotocol. you can see we are already trading open source protocols, blockchain standards... We have a number of contracts built on ethereum, on the top we have a javascript library that allows developers to build a decentralized marketplaces

On the top of it, we've built a user-friendly app

The centralized systems for identity we use today, in the world of blockchain you can do it. We have adapted the ERC-725 identity standard. It allows the user to tie their wallet address to certain things and can allow third parties attestations from trusted identify verifiers, you don't longer need a middleman for that. With this standard by signing once your profile and reputation can be transferred to any other platform.

ERC-725 Alliance , 17 founding members, dozens of developers,

Secure, auditable, and decentralized chat. Totally encrypted end to end, built on IPFS PUbsub, orbitDB,

Mobile transactions

Transaction-fee free app interactions

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