
Mobility in the sharing city 2018/11/13/apunts/01

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Mobility in the sharing city

Share Barcelona 2018 - Sharing Cities Summit - 12-15 November 2018

Collaborative notes to be transferred to, documentation to share and reuse.

(List of speakers separated by commas)
(Conference notes in chronological order)

Conference notes

Judit Batayé

Umea had an utopic community of workers in the19th century

Philip Näslund (Municipality of Umeå)

we have 200,000 inhabitants in 2050. From this point of sharing in middle sized cities we have to produce them ourselves before the market and hopefully then investors come and give us some opportunities. We had a bike project which was a success.

40.000 students from 2 universities

we don't see it as a sharing system, We see our citizens investing and buying bikes.

We are building new highways for bicycles. There was a problem with parking. Where should the bikes be placed if not in the garage.

We have launched a city car pooling, a collaboration with Volvo that citizens can use now.

Delivery for groceries and other kinds of services.

Q. Do you think because you are a young city with a lot of Erasmus students that this helps -

A. Yes it is important that this is a young city.

Libraries supplying internet will facilitate students to get into the sharing economy

Raquel Priego

Started in 2010 in Paris when nobody was talking about car sharing where as now its in the news every day. We are present in 6 countries in Europe with a fleet of 6000 cars and community of users. It is a p2p platform putting in contact people who dont own a car or dont use a car everyday. Everyone has a car to share. We want to use the cars that are already on the street to reduce the number of cars on the streets in the cities. In Spain we are based in Barcelona and Madrid. Cities that work better because of the density of population. We are using a technology now so that a person can open the car with a smart phone even if it is private car.

We are starting a project, called Unvocered Cities, for cars to go outside the city, not fill the city with cars even if they are electric

One of them is to boost the bicycle. We launched a campaign with the City of Barcelona promoting the bicing service , each citizen that puts their car in the service gets one year fee for Bicing

 Oriol Marimon (Ecooltra Motosharing)

We started in 2016 but now we are in six cities in Portugal, Italy, Spain, launched by the end of 2018 with  4620 scooters in all these cities.

We are aiming for cities where the private car will disapear.

Why did you decide to buy your fleet of collective motorcycles

So the mission was to launch scooter sharing that was different from car sharing. We had to do all the investment upfront.  Ecooltra is a spin off from a company that had over 10 years experience in running scooter service in European countries.

Lukas Reichel (Som Mobilitat)

It is building communities around Catalunya and around Europe.

We are a cooperative and this is the difference with the other companies here. The users of our services are the owners of the cooperative and the organisation. We started bout 2 and a half years ago. We started the service opening by app and only pure electric cars 100%. This was an ideological decision in the beginning but it also brings us a lot of problems as there is not a lot of charging infrastructure. We needed an application to open and close our cars and this is a complex system. We were looking for an open source project that we could be a part of but we couldn't find one. We found a partner in Belgium and we teamed up with them, we became co-owner of the cooperative.

Now this is growing, we are talking to other cooperatives, this has to be a cooperation among many.

We set up a second level cooperative so that members can be cooperatives themselves,

Societat Cooperativa Europea. We linked that growing also to the movement REScoop

Dardan Isufi (

Eva.Coop - Carsharing P2P Quebec/Montreal?; Coop: blockchain based

Eva connects driver members with rider members. The idea is to have a technology that can be used from city to city but to have a grassroots movement in each community to manage it.

Q. Why did you try to do it through communities?

Because we believe in a descentralised model, who decides the pricing, maketing, they are the people best placed to know how their own city works, and we want the communities to be active in it.

Q. Are you going to be only in Montreal or are you also going to middle sized cities?

It is hard to develop ride-sharing in cities, how is it down-town, are there a lot of people? The decision is not mine. If there is a community willing to develop EVA in their city then why not?

Q. For the ones who are living in these middle sized cities and we come to the big city. The places that the community is building now are in these middle sized cities. It could be another opportunity to think about other kinds of cities.

The starting point of Som-Mobilitat is in small and medium sized cities. Our model is location based not p2p.

Q. I am just wondering, your model of company can be implemented by a community locally on a world wide basis?

Transportation and ride-sharing are very complex from one place to another. Eva is a non-profit. We have multi-stakeholder coops in Canada. Members have to respect our policies. Communities cannot take more than 10% use rights. People who own the token has a stake in the cooperative. Local coops have their own policies and by-laws. Let's say in 10 year and there is a technology that is better than we are providing then they can change as well.

Raquel Priego (Drivy)

City councils have some parking near the city center for people living in cities in the metropolitan area, Mataro and Sabadel would have solutions when they go by car to Barcelona, and do the extra mile by public transportation.

Our suggestion to the city council is to put parkings outside the cities for people from metropolitan area to use it from home to Barcelona, and people inside barcelona to use those cars to go outside.

We have been proposing this in Madrid and Barcelona. In London we have it more developed and with more success. People get cheaper parking from city councils just because they are a shared cars.

Who are the owners?

The target of owners is between 35 - 50 years old.

One is a typical person who has an unused car so they share it. The other is a family or friends who have 2 or 3 cars that they share among them.

The drivers are different from 20 up. They don't even consider owning a car now.

You have to make it friction free to use car services. If I am going to leave my car I want to know that my transportation needs into the city will be available. We need to rethink our planning of the urban city.

How do these solutions work for people in middle sized cities. Our solution is equivalent for a 50 CC scooter which is good only for small streets. If we go to the outskirts where mobilities are connected to a bigger metropolis one of the things we found is that if users can move around with their own private means then they will. If there isn't a very good public transport network this is not good for us because our users need to know that they can leave the scooter and take transport from other parts of the city.

Judit Bayé

eCooltra, in Barcelona, when it started it was a success, but there are movements to control this success.

Barcelona is a place, I am trying to go to a place where a private car would be out of the city, but in Barcelona there are so many initatives, that there is a bit of a chaos.

I thought we were about to end this roundtable without this question arising. First we only have about 1,100 scooters in the city. Our scooters are only 2 and half years. It would be really nice for the municipality to have problem with electric 2 and a half year old scooter, it is not the problem of parking with eCooltra Scooters, but parking with 20 years old that are causing a killing problem because of all the health problems. We have worked to give information for users and the municipality on how to park the scooters.

Q. Space ocupation is something that worries the Barcelona City council

Of course if there were dedicated places we would appreciate it. We do not operate the services in these areas with narrow streets because it would cause problems.

Q. Does that happen in Europe in the other 6 cities where you operate?

Everyone wanted to take the picture with the guys offering electric mobility.

It's been really tough to get in touch with the municipality in Valencia because they are all still trying to understand how to put some laws and rules into this sharing system, I think they are looking toward Barcelona because it is in the middle of a regulation process.

Lukas Reichel (Som Mobilitat),

How do we handle that an approach them. Each municipality is a world of its own. There are different people and so on. In our case our structure, one is a local community and they take the lead on that, OR then there is the municipality who contacts us, OR a cooperative or private company contacts us. Every municipality, local community or private company has different policies, regulations, views, and you need to negotiate with each if you want to collaborate.

Different departments as well.

Raquel Priego (Drivy)

It's super different in Spain, France, UK with regards fiscality. Spain, we are the last in Europe in terms of regulations

There is a lot of difference between a flat and a car. A flat gains value every year a car does not. We should be seen and regulated in another way.

Lukas Reichel (Som Mobilitat),

With cars you cannot just exchange the battery so you have to find places to charge them. Adding up sharing and driving. You never know how much the user will need. If we know how far you will go in advance perhaps we can reserve the car afterwards. This is an issue of infrastructure. You need political pressure.

If the municipality is not ready we just start ourselves and that creates some momentum. The other question is about the data. When the council does the project do they open the data?

Philip Näslund

We have some observation on the smart electric grid, we start to see electric cars as a resource. We provide a platform for open data in the city. Open Data is a key issue for us. We did a large mobility survey. 65% only using buses walking and bicycle.

What about being picked up by random people.

Dardan Isufi (

Society is much less secure for women than for men. We want to give the option for members to only choose female or trans driver members especially at night.

Raquel Priego (Drivy)

In the begining, it was not a gender thing, but its true a lot of  some men said things like 'I dont share my car, I don't share my wife'...

Now that the service has been runing for a while there are no big differences.

Judit Bayé

we didn't talk about open data and other issues, but we did talk about services that will help to have a more sustainable city

Judit Batayé (Ouishare), Raquel Priego (Drivy), Lukas Reichel (Som Mobilitat), Dardan Isufi (, Philip Näslund (Municipality of Umeå) & Oriol Marimon (Ecooltra Motosharing)

17.30h (5') - Welcome and short presentation debate "Mobility & Sharing City" - Judit

17.35h (25') - 2 a 5' max presentation of each project, that I will introduce one by one, probably in this order:

  • Philip Näuslund, Umeá - Sharing city & Mobility projects (Movebike, cargo bikes; others?)
  • Drivy - European Rental P2P; lucrative BM
  • Ecooltra - Motosharing fleet in 6 European cities; lucrative BM
  • Som Mobilitat - Electric Carsharing fleet + Rescoop (5 European Coop network); Cooperative; open source
  • Eva.Coop - Carsharing P2P Quebec/Montreal?; Coop: blockchain based

18h (20') - Debate conducted by Judit to tackle suggested topics:

  • Identify risks and opportunities to develop shared modes in Europe, Canada & ww. Are they sustainable modes? Where we will be in 2028? 
  • In the era of MaaS alliances, wich role plays shared mobility? Are you able to share the necessary data and software? Which one? With who?
  • Which role has to play public policies? What do you think must be regulate or controlled?
  • Can you share good practices that you discovered and you would love to be implemented ww?

 18.20h - F&Q to the agora

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People mentioned

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