
Bollier 2022/08/01 Ruangrupa Introduces the Spirit of 'Lumbung' to International Art

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Bollier, David (01/08/2022) Ruangrupa Introduces the Spirit of 'Lumbung' to International Art

Llicència: CC-Reconeixement

Paraules clau: Documenta 15, comunificació, procomú, mercat de l'art, comunitats artístiques, modus vivendi, precarització, suport mutu, renda bàsica, lumbung

L'autor posa de relleu com l'edició de 2022 de la Documenta (esdeveniment artístic a la ciutat alemanya de Kassel que es produeix cada 5 anys) és un simptoma de l'emergència de la comunificació (commoning) com a via per re-imaginar l'economia política de les pràctiques artístiques. Davant el fet que el mercat de l'art actua corroint l'ètica de la col·laboració i de compartir que és pròpia de les comunitats artístiques, l'autor explica com el comissariat per part del col·lectiu indonesi "Ruangrupa" ha capgirat la manera de fer comissariat i de retribuir els artistes. Les retribucions a Documenta 15 s'han donat com una renda bàsica temporal, enlloc de com a pagament d'un encàrrec o servei. Ruangrupa s'ha plantejat la curatoria sota la metàfora del terme indonesi "lumbung", referit a una sitja on s'emmagatzema l'excedent d'arròs per al seu profit col·lectiu. L'experiment ha consistit en involucrar una gran quantitat d'artistes en un procés col·laboratiu vehiculat per petites i grans assemblees que l'autor relaciona amb les experiències "Ocuppy" de 2011.

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Editorial Blog David Bollier ·
Data 01/08/2022
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Persones mencionades: Farid Rakun

Organitzacions mencionades: Ruangrupa

Projectes mencionats: Documenta 15, Occupy

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  • This 15th edition of documenta ("documenta 15") confirms that commoning is surging as a way to re-imagine the political economy of art-making.,
  • The economics of painting, music, photography, and performance are each different, of course, but they generally privilege individual artists over groups, require that artworks be converted into commodities, and tend to splinter and transform coherent artistic communities as market players buy artworks they regard as prestigious, fashionable, or lucrative investments.,
  • They [artists] need a community of caring colleagues who can mentor, criticize, inspire, imitate, and mutually support each other, especially when livelihoods are precarious,
  • Through large and small democratic assemblies with a flavor of Occupy, artists decided whom to invite to exhibit, how to allocate funds, and how to develop new nonmarket infrastructures and processes to support artistic solidarity.,
  • So the social meaning of the money is changed. It is not a market transaction; it is a recognition of the collective relationships that have enabled artists to exist as artists.,
  • Artists' commissions were reimagined as a kind of universal income for a limited period, rather than transactional payment for services.,
  • The animating spirit of runagrupa's bold experiment is called lumbung -- an Indonesian word for a shared rice barn in which surplus is stored and later allocated for collective benefit.,
  • The exhibition has prototyped some impressive new forms of commoning at scale, in the spirit of lumbung, which may inspire other artistic communities to further develop and institutionalize these models after documenta 15 concludes in September.