
Governance, economic sustainability and experimental participation of data commons 2018/11/14/apunts/01

De teixidora

Antonio Calleja

We are going to do a workshop on Decode project on how to decide together what we want to do with data.

We will present Decode project and what we are doing with Decidim

We will have an experimental action, we have a prototype already functioning, and we'd like you to be part of it.

The area will be divided in 3 groups to focus on the challenges and oportunities.

Antonio Calleja and Enric Senabre

An Horizon 2020 project, 2016-18 coordinated by Barcelona City Council

Begins with a diagnosis of the current economy, as data as the new oil of capitalism

some actors can act uppon this data, how a communication strategy firm can use data through facebook to influence and affect democracy


de key question for decode is to regain control on our data, what we share and with whom, data sovereingty,

Decode project has 3 elements, smart contracs  social and economic elements and a set of pilots two in amsterdam and in barcelona

digital democracy in the commons, and Iot Valeria

Pilot in Barcelona, decidim and decode

improve decidim and push forward the decode vision of data sovereignty

how to regain control on our collective lives, how to decide collectivelly on collective matters.

We will generate a set of tools, set up e-petitons, are allowed in decidim

decode allows for

an app that you have on your mobile, you can put data of yourself

if you want to sign an e-petition on decidim you can do it even though decidim doesn't know who you are

The challenge of data commons:

1. we are doing a 4-month open deliberation process that will have as a result a white paper

We are at the stage of accumulating proposals by different actors.

2. All the data generated in this process will be open and their use will be decided by the people who are taking part in the project.

This means that we are being prefigurative: we are trying to create and practice data commons while deliberating and talking about data commons.

We first run a diagnosis of the situation on data regulations and economics

then we gather proposals

a stage of debate starts

a deliberation between citizens and decode

a signature process in which we will be using the app to sign the process

and we'll have an evaluation process

The results of this process will be:


2. the development of a decode participatory white paper


Enric Senabre

we will move now into working groups.

the workshop will be documented by Teixidora, we are on the mindset of open knowledge

Table n.1 Data laws and regulations

Table 1

We did a diagnosis on the legal aspects of Decode technology

3 paradigms have to do with legal data:

    •      personal data because it is a human right
    • economic data-
    • means of control from security systems

GDPR is good but we should not have the idea that we are secure with it

Free licences and open data - we have digital commons that are made of personal data, like Wikipedia, every contribution is attached to a person, so this is personal data or software that is made by many coders

We analised the concept of free licences, it started in software in the 80s they have evolved and now we have  a lot of software regulated by freelicences, in the last decade they started to apply to data, CC Attribution ShAlike for example

Q. what does free licence mean? is not that open is good and proprietary is bad, because open also need to monetise their project.

The empirical findings say if you ask for big tasks you have to incentivise with money but small tasks are easier to do with no monetary incentive

The expression free software - free as freedom and gratis

The aim of the workshop is to make proposals on the diagnosis.

Wikipedia and Kernel linux are platforms of personal data and need to think about how to cover privacy

licences are a personal act a unilateral act, but we can use blockchain, through smart contracts you can make acts not coming from the creator of data, I can say I will allow access to my personal data provided that you promise to treat that data in such way. this opens the possiblity to use smart contracts in a different way.

Based on these assumptions we discuss opertunites

particular proposals tackling

Challenges (Risks)

Table n.2 Data economics and sovereignity


Challenges (Risks)

In this group we have:

1. many proposals for the first column, focused on the "value for economic profit" model

2. we have also the media dimension in the second column

We need more time and proposals for the other 2 columns.

3. the "open for all" model

4. the commons model

At the end we were talking about who has the actual knowledge to access these open data [in the the "open for all" model]: usually it's the big corporations who take advantage of it. This is something important to think about.

Table n.3 Data governance


Challenges (Risks)

(Antonio Calleja) governance is about power, who controls the data, who is making decisions.

awareness was the first keyword, so workshops about how to use public sector data

crossing all the data so the system will be more efficient

transparency was one of the words

how to coordinate all different actors, because governance is not vertical, is about all the actors and how to measure the services, and by the government itself by doing some assessment, studies...

Table n.4 . Challenges and opportunities of what we actually do with data commons.

(Pablo Aragón)


Challenges (Risks)
